0.9% of Scotland's population is Muslim, with 30,000 residing in Glasgow

0.9% of Scotland's population is Muslim, with 30,000 residing in Glasgow Scotland’s first Islamic secondary school is to be opened in Glasgow by a group of Muslim parents, the Scotsman has reported.The Glasgow Community Education Association (GCEA) has bought Abbotsford House for £400,000 and plans to rename the B-listed Victorian building The Islamic Institute.
The institution will offer private secondary education to boys and girls, as well as a nursery.
The school will be funded by parents, businessmen and members of Glasgow’s Muslim community.
A spokesperson for the GCEA told Scotsman "We can confirm that the building has been purchased, and we are now focused on getting the project moving forward.
"We support denominational schools in Scotland and we think they’ve always had a contribution to make towards the private and public sector in education in Scotland and we are a part of that. We think this is a very positive thing and we hope it will be a very successful centre of learning."
According to the Scotsman, a GCEA posting on Facebook has urged locals to donate. "Please donate generously and remember you will not only be investing in your children but also in your own Akhirah [afterlife]. Take advantage of this great opportunity to be able to give Sadaqah Jaariyah (Perpetual Charity) before it’s too late. This will be the first successful Islamic secondary school in all of Scotland!"
The Association’s website also asks for donations to help fund the school. A fundraising dinner in aid of the school was held last week, and a women-only bazaar has also been organised. The GCEA said it had no plans to pursue public funding for the school.
There are already a number of Islamic secondary schools in England. They include the Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham dubbed the "Eton of Islam."