Ouafa fronts an Education Ministry dogged by controversy

Ouafa fronts an Education Ministry dogged by controversy Rabat – Judy Sabbagh Mohamed El Ouafa, Morocco’s Minister of National Education, has denied reports sweeping the country’s media that he demanded Moroccan teachers get married immediately to avoid sinful behaviour .The Ministry [MNE] said in a statement that the Ouafa had not made any such announcement to academies or local schools. The reports were “rumours” that aimed to tarnish the image of the organisation, it claimed.
The MNE meanwhile threatened legal action against anyone propagating rumours surrounding Ouafa's remarks.
The news surrounds a Ministry already dogged by controversy.
In October last year Ouafa created scandal when videos emerged showing the Minister “humiliating” a 12-year-old female student in Marrakech, when he said: “What are you doing here? You should be married.”
Ouafa has also made grandiose claims about Morroco’s education sector in recent months, claiming that Moroccan schools were better than American ones. “Even Obama does not have these schools,” the Minister was quoted as saying.