Moroccan students gather outside a college in Casablanca

Moroccan students gather outside a college in Casablanca Several Moroccan students accused of cheating on the first day of baccalaureate exams across the country have been arrested by security officials .
Security sources told Arab Today that some of the students detained were aged 25, and that the number is expected to rise in the next few days.
The Moroccan baccalaureate exam result is important for students who seek to make the move to higher education, or enter the jobs market.
The exam is supervised by the ministry of education, with invigilating teachers expected to report back to the ministry. Reports from the first day have been handed to the ministry, who have in-turn passed them to the police.
On the eve of the exam Monday, authorities said they were investigating reports of maths, physics and biology exam papers being leaked on Facebook with complete answers.