Prime Minister, Abdelilah Benkirane

Prime Minister, Abdelilah Benkirane The Moroccan Association for Human Rights demanded the Prime Minister, Abdelilah Benkirane, to immediately intervene in the dilemma being faced by Arabic and Moroccan Culture lecturers in Europe, who were being threatened with deportation.  
According to a complaint that reached the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, the Moroccan lecturers were living in difficult social conditions since enrolling with the Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans abroad. Many were being classified as illegal immigrants and risked being deported. It was thus vital that the PM interceded promptly to help resolve the issues at hand, especially as the new school term was to begin soon.
As the Moroccan law still considers them as state employees affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the lecturers were entitled to takeadvantage of all the law privileges.The lecturers revealed that the foundation deprived them of their legitimate rights including the recent increase in employee wages decided by the Moroccan government, health coverage and compensation for accommodation. In addition to this they were given no clarification in regards to their return to Morocco.
The statement of the Moroccan Association that relied on the testimony of a number of Moroccan lecturers abroad, found that the Hassan II Foundation had been dealing with the envoys of the Ministry of Education in an abrupt way and had not taken into consideration the implementation of Moroccan law.