UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has called for late applicants and students who have submitted reasons for missing the previous CEPA-English exams, to communicate with the Ministry Common Admissions Centre to register for the CEPA-English appeal exam before Sunday, June 8th, 2014.
Students must submit the required documents, including a passport-size photograph, before this date. The CEPA-English appeal exam is scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 14th, 2014.
Students can print out their CEPA ticket starting from June 9th, 2014, from the student portal on the ministry s website. The ticket includes information regarding the date and place of the exam. In addition, this information will be sent to the students via SMS text messages one day before the exam. After a student sits for the exam and marking is complete, the score will be uploaded to the Report page on the student portal. Also, an SMS message with the score will be sent to each student.
Source: WAM