University played a significant role in cementing regional integration

University played a significant role in cementing regional integration Nairobi - Xinhua   Kenya and Uganda pledged Friday to champion cross-border education as a means of strengthening the integration of East Africa. Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said admitting students from across the region to learning institutions would encourage the sharing of ideas and the building of bridges across various cultures and politics.
Speaking at a fundraising meeting for Busoga University in Uganda\'s Jinja town, Museveni challenged students to develop a regional mindset and look beyond their nations for opportunities, said a statement issued Friday by Odinga\'s office.
\"President Museveni called on governments to support private learning institutions, saying they were helping the states fulfill their mandates,\" the statement said.
The president also called on universities to start degree courses that suit the region\'s development agenda.
Odinga said that three years ago, Busoga University delayed the start of its first semester by two weeks for Kenyan students who were trapped by election violence back home.
\"By that single act, the
 politician would have,\" he said.
\"It was a demonstration that the integration of this region will not be achieved by the acts of politicians alone. Integration will come from actions of individuals like the young men and women crossing the border to pursue education here and the institutions and managers that demonstrate we are indeed one people,\" the premier said.
Odinga also called for speedy integration of the regional education curriculum.