Amr Hamzawy has voiced his frustration on social media website Twitter

Amr Hamzawy has voiced his frustration on social media website Twitter Former Egyptian MP Amr Hamzawy has described the decision to cancel his lectures at Minufiya University on Monday as a \"suppression of freedom,\" Egypt Independent has reported. Hamzawy , currently working as a political science professor at the American University in Cairo, tweeted: \"The religious rightwing, the Brothers and Salafis, are returning to gagging and suppressing freedom of expression and freedom of activities at Egyptian universities.
\"[The same way that] they follow intellectuals and restrict media freedoms in Egypt through suppression and authoritarian applications of the law, cancelling my lectures is an example,\" he added.
According to Egypt Independent, Sherif Saqr, Freedom Egypt Party coordinator for Minufiya Governorate, claimed that Hamzawy’s lectures had been cancelled \"due to the Faculty of Commerce’s Salafi deputy of education and students’ affairs, [who said] that Hamzawy’s handsomeness would charm the female students.\"
The politician added that several students and party members called on Salah al-Sayed, the university’s acting president, to hold a symposium led by Hamzawy and that Sayed had agreed, on the condition that the invitations are issued in the university’s name.