Leaving school early leads to Deviation

Leaving school early leads to Deviation, immigration or extremism, while others use any way to enter labor market including “buying” school certificates.

After the Tunisian revolution, forging scientific certificates using Photoshop significantly spread , and the ministry of Training and Employment managed to reveal a whole network specialized in forgery including a number of high ranked officials and administrators involved in it.

People working in selling certificates know it is the most successful and secure way to make money ,rather than fake documents that can be detected by the ministry of Education . These certificates can be easily bought from privately owned institutions.

Due to authorities’ ignorance ,this phenomena spread widely to include sensitive Specialties ,such as ,medicine and engineering ,Which made the Tunisian courts full of cases related to impersonating and forgery.

The forgery included Baccalaureate degrees ,University degrees and Banknotes , making this phenomena a dangerous crime as it can harm people’s life.

Among the cases of forgery that was caught ,an old man pretended to be a doctor in Acupuncture with a medical degree from Egypt . Another case was a young man worked with as an assistant in teeth implants ,thought he could open a clinic and practice medicine on poor people ,but he was caught.
President of the Tunisian Anti-Corruption Association, Ibrahim Messawi confirmed that this phenomena do exist and invited all concerned bodies to take actions , adding that the association have been receiving several complaints about poor practice of some analytical laboratories .He also said that people involved in these actions could face money loss and a penalty of 5 years in prison .