Bolton School is on the outskirts of the English city of Manchester

Bolton School is on the outskirts of the English city of Manchester Bolton School, an independent institution in England, has been chosen to develop international links with the United Arab Emirates as part of a major new school twinning project to boost global education. Connecting Classrooms is a UK government and British Council education initiative.
Bolton School has been selected in recognition of its commitment to teaching students about global issues.
Teachers and students are working with Qubaa School in the UAE to learn how to become responsible global citizens and to develop skills to work in a global economy. Schools across the UK can benefit from a range of support offered by the scheme.
Philip Britton, Headmaster of the Boys’ Division at Bolton School, said: "This is an exciting opportunity to work with a very different school to ours, and hopefully something that will be extremely enriching for both schools.  The ‘connecting classrooms’ project will initially involve a Year 7 Form Group building a connection and understanding with our partner school through a Skype link. Each school will be seeking to learn about each other’s culture and ways of life."
British Secretary of State for International Development, Justine Greening said: “I am very pleased that Bolton School is taking on this excellent opportunity to link with schools in other parts of our world. Young people and teachers can make a fantastic contribution by sharing the best of Britain with their peers around the world and at the same time, the great thing is that they can get invaluable knowledge of what life is like in other countries.
“Connecting Classrooms will enable pupils to learn about the world around them, about the facts of poverty that face children their own age in developing countries, and how education can help eradicate poverty. It will also benefit teachers by enhancing their professional skills,” she added.
The programme will enable a teacher from Bolton School to take part in an exchange visit with Qubaa School and work on classroom-based projects together, with the aim of giving young people a unique and hands-on international learning experience.