Secondary school exams began in Egypt on Saturday

Secondary school exams began in Egypt on Saturday Egyptian students have voiced their concerns about the national Arabic language test. As the country’s secondary school examinations began on Saturday amid tight security, students said they were overburdened and did not have enough time to prepare properly.
Ahmad Abd Allah, a languages student from Dokki complained about literature questions, citing \"lack of clarity\" as the problem.
Mai Taha, another student from a secondary school in Giza denounced the examination duration. The pupil said that the exam was \"painfully long and lengthy.\"
Egypt has a very extensive higher education system.
Around 30 percent of all Egyptians in the relevant age group go to university after completing high school.
However, only half of them are able to graduate.
According to the English weekly magazine The Economist, standards of education at Egyptian public universities are \"abysmal.\"