Dubai Customs headquarter

Dubai Customs headquarter Dubai Customs has launched the new edition of the annual IP Award for public and private schools, universities and colleges countrywide for the school year 2013-2014. Started in cooperation with the Ministry of Education , Ministry of Higher Education and Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai, participation in the award is open to students from all schools in the country, from grade six to grade twelve, and to undergraduates of all levels.
A selected team in every school will prepare, organise and execute a project in the IP (Intellectual Property) field. Through this award, Dubai Customs aims at boosting national loyalty and responsibility, promote volunteerism among students of public and private schools, enhance national identity, give guidance in IPR and innovation areas and protect society against commercial and industrial counterfeiting and theft of creative ideas. The competition is part of DC's efforts to spread awareness about IPR in society at large.
Yousuf Al Hashemi, Director of the IPR Department at Dubai Customs, said, "Dubai Customs' IP Award, open to students from all schools and universities, is aimed at spurring competitiveness between award applicants in making the community better aware of IP, in an effort to disseminate the culture of IPR protection among the generations to come and involve as many members of the community as possible in the fight against piracy, counterfeiting and commercial fraud. For the past years, we were committed to follow up on all submitted projects for the award and encourage applicants to provide ample information on the nature of IP infringements through the seminars they held at schools and universities, as part of their projects to compete for the award."
Source: WAM