Abu Dhabi Polytechnic

Abu Dhabi Polytechnic (ADPoly) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) launching the first bachelor's degree and the first diploma in meteorology in the whole Arab region.
Executive Director of Polytechnic Abu Dhabi, Ahmed Abdul Mannan Al Awar, and Executive Director of NCMS, Abdullah Ahmed Al Mansood, signed the agreement at ADPoly's head office.
In statements during the signing ceremony, Al Awar noted that 12 students are enrolled in the new bachelor programme.
Immediately after graduation, these students will work for ADPoly, he further noted.
ADPoly seeks to get academic accreditation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the new programme.
For his part, Al Mandoos said that cooperation with ADPoly will contribute to the UAE's strategic development as it will provide specialised meteorological and seismological services to the various sectors and strategic projects of the government and the private sector.
Source: WAM