Sudanese students have reported stories of torture in the past

Sudanese students have reported stories of torture in the past A Sudanese student arrested on his way to university two month ago is \"at risk of torture,\" according to Human Rights group Amnesty International. Mohammed Osman Moussa, 26, left his home in Omdurman , Sudan at 1100 hrs on December 11, 2012. Moments later, he informed relatives that he was being followed by a car he suspected of belonging to the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), and that he feared arrest.
The NSS has refused to disclose details on Mohammed Osman Moussa’s whereabouts and condition, and has not granted him access to a lawyer or his family. It is also unclear whether he has access to medical care, despite the fact he has a heart condition, for which he is required to take daily medication.
A statement from Amnesty International has called for urgent action, saying, \"Moussa is at serious risk of torture and ill-treatment.\"
Moussa is studying Accountancy at Eastern Nile University. He is originally from the western region of Darfur and has been active in drawing attention to human rights issues, notably as media officer for the Darfur Student Association of Eastern Nile University.