Professors say strict discipline is needed to solve the problem

Professors say strict discipline is needed to solve the problem Several university professors teaching psychology and sociology in Egypt have told Arabstoday that 90 percent of the university students violate the sanctity of the campus by taking drugs, drinking alcohol and engaging in illicit relationships.
Dr Abdel Moneim Shehata, a professor of Psychology, said "90 percent of the university students insolently violate the sanctity of campus. Psychologically, this phenomenon is a behavioural disorder. In the past, students were respecting the campus; however, because of the negative changes that have affected our Eastern society and the ugly effects of TV channels, the student behaviour in the campus has changed. Now, students drive their cars inside the campus and play loud music."
To solve this problem, Dr Shehata feels discipline is the the first key asset, and it requires the cooperation of professors and university workers across the country. "We can unite the study schedule in universities because when the campus is full of students, it would prevent drug abuse and sexual activity. Moreover, students must not be allowed to enter the campus with their own cars unless they have special needs. Finally, the cultural activities must be increased to accommodate all the students of both sexes and to reduce this phenomenon."
Dr Mustafa Sakhaawi, professor of Sociology has told Arabstoday that the absence of parental control is the first cause of this phenomenon; because the father has a right to correct his children's mistakes and the mother teacher them values ​​and religion principles. He called on university professors to advise students and encourage them to stay away from wrongful acts.
Mr Mohamed Ibrahim, a local university caretaker said, "there is no punishment for such cases, there are orders to refrain from approaching students even if they are doing mistakes." He also confirmed that a lot of students are drinking alcohol at the university, saying that once a student was cheating in the exams and when he searched him, he found a bottle of wine in his possession, however, he was not punished. He also confirmed that students are taking drugs inside the campus and fighting over girls, "once there was two students fighting and when we intervened we discovered that they were fighting over a girl."
Meanwhile, a student named Abeer Abdul Hamid said that she knew students with wine bottles and Viagra packets, saying a solution to this problem is "impossible."
Dina Salem, a student, also complained of improper relationships between boys and girls inside the campus while Wael Mohamed Hafez, a student, confirmed that these negative behaviours occur but it is the fault of the university girls who wear clothes that are too tight and not suitable for the university.
However, his colleague Heba refuted this argument by saying that it is the fault of both boys and girls, denying that all the girls wear inappropriate clothes.