Toyota Motor Corporation new brand tagline called 'Akeed'

Toyota Motor Corporation new brand tagline called 'Akeed' Toyota Motor Corporation has launched a new brand tagline called “Akeed” which aims to encompass the trust and confidence reposed in the brand by consumers throughout the Middle East region. This new tagline also reflects the evolution of Toyota and its new brand direction and commitment to develop more emotionally compelling products to connect with consumers. Toyota’s new advertising campaign with this new tagline is now engaging consumers on a Pan Arab basis with print advertisements and a brand new television commercial.
Nobuyuki Negishi, chief representative of Mena Representative Office, Toyota Motor Corporation, said: “Our communication objective behind Akeed is to assert that it’s the confidence gained through the absolute certainty and reassurance of Toyota ownership which gives consumers an emotional sense of satisfaction and attachment to the brand.
“Toyota tugs at the heart strings of car buyers in the region because it elicits a joy of ownership that comes from peace of mind, a legendary track record of fulfilled promises and an exciting range of vehicles which will continue to exceed consumer expectations well into the future.”
According to Toyota, the new tagline represented by the Arabic word “Akeed” was simply the best expression of the way the brand has been perceived in the region ever since its entry into the region so many years ago.
In that time, Toyota has become synonymous with quality and a sense of reassurance that the expression “Akeed” is emblematic of, so much so that selecting Toyota is an easy decision for most consumers in the region when buying a new car or upgrading from an existing one, the Japanese automaker said in a statement.
With “Akeed”, consumers are making a definitive statement to say that Toyota is their car and will continue to be a key part of their lives, according to the statement
Detailing the thought that has gone behind developing the tagline, Negishi added that results from extensive consumer research across the region also validated this new tagline with car buyers placing a lot of importance on Toyota’s heritage, its commitment to quality and safety, its constant track record of innovation in addition to its proven technological expertise.
Source: TradeArabia