Mangusta sixties supercar

Mangusta sixties supercar Design graduate inspired by his favorite sports car of yesteryear delivers stunning concept.A modern interpretation of a relatively unknown sixties supercar, the Mangusta Legacy project was created by designer & illustrator Maxime de Keiser.Inspired by the De Tomaso Mangusta, of which only 401 units were produced between 1967 and 1971, it's apparent that the original car's character, including its extremely low stance and predator-like appearance, has been adapted to incorporate modern design trends and technologies.Giorgetto Giugiaro (of DeLorean fame) designed the Mangusta when working for coachbuilder Ghia, with the most distinctive features being the low 1,100mm height, huge windscreen and gullwing doors.Speaking of the concept, the design graduate explains: "Like the original, it had to be spectacular and communicate an impression of wild ferocity and power while recalling the serenity of a feline at rest, and the elegance of the animal that doesn't need to fear anything."