Social marketing boosts exercise

Social marketing boosts exercise British researchers said social marketing -- using the same marketing principles that sell products to \"sell\" ideas -- was effective in boosting exercise. \"Good levels of physical activity are important for the prevention of a range of chronic diseases. These conditions are more prevalent in low-income areas where physical activity levels were consistently lower,\" lead author Janet Withall of the University of Bristol\'s School for Policy Studies said in a statement. \"The public health benefits of increasing physical activity in this group were clear.\"
The researchers designed a six-month social marketing campaign for a new physical activity program entitled Fit and Fab -- comprising five sessions, each delivered once a week in a deprived area of Bristol, England.
The research team used promotional techniques, which included outdoor banners, street leafleting, leaflet distribution via schools, community groups, a poster campaign, local press, two taster sessions, a loyalty scheme, campaign blog and a text campaign, to proactively promote the program.
The results, published in the journal BMC Public Health, showed positive findings with recruitment into intervention sessions significantly greater than into pre-existing and control area sessions the study said.