Saudi's cigarette market is one of the largest in the world - pic by Jo Ito

Saudi\'s cigarette market is one of the largest in the world - pic by Jo Ito Smoking in public places including restaurants, coffee shops, shopping centres and government buildings was subject to a royal ban which came into effect on Monday. Alongside cigarettes and cigars, the ban also covers water pipes and the selling of tobacco to those under the age of 18.
The cigarette market in Saudi Arabia is one of the largest in the world with six million regular smokers spending around $8,000,000 per day on tobacco.
Interior Minister Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz cited smoking being un-Islamic due to the Qur’an urging the preservation of public health.
Previous action on smoking included an anti-smoking campaign and a ban on smoking in airports both in 2011.
While anti-smoking groups have praised the ban, cafe owners are worried about the impact it will have with some claiming 75 percent of their income coming from shisha smokers.