Twitter hopes to change how people find music

Twitter hopes to change how people find music San Francisco – Arabstoday Twitter on Thursday launched a music service that recommends tunes based on what people are tweeting about and let’s people sample songs they might like. \"We\'re releasing Twitter #music , a new service that will change the way people find music, based on Twitter,\" the San Francisco-based firm said in a release.
\"It uses Twitter activity, including Tweets and engagement, to detect and surface the most popular tracks and emerging artists,\" Twitter continued.
\"It also brings artists\' music-related Twitter activity front and center. And, of course, you can tweet songs right from the app.\"
Twitter users can get 30-second samples of songs from iTunes, Spotify or Rdio music services, but the default provider is Apple\'s online shop iTunes.
\"So, if you\'re interested in the songs that have been tweeted by the artists and people you follow on Twitter, you can navigate to #NowPlaying to view and listen to those songs,\" Twitter said.
Twitter Music applications for Internet web browsers and Apple mobile devices let people see what songs are hot and get recommendations based on their tastes, according to Rdio.
\"We\'re thrilled to be part of the new Twitter Music experience - it\'s built for music discovery,\" Rdio said in a release AFP acquired.