Egyptian belly dancer Dina

Egyptian belly dancer Dina Egyptian belly dancer Dina said that she was depressed by all the violence in the country the country explaining that she hardly gets any sleep and is extremely worried, as she follows the news of clashes in Cairo, particularly Tahrir area. Additionally, Dina told ‘Arabstoday’ that she is not afraid of Islamists taking over after they won the second round of parliamentary elections.
Dina says she is tired of hearing blame placed on “hidden hands”, accusing them of causing the violence, every time blood is shed. The Egyptian dancer attributed the incidents to the poverty and ignorance which the Egyptian people suffered throughout three decades of rule by former President Hosni Mubarak, where corruption, bribery, and looting of public money had prevailed. She expressed her grief to see historic buildings, of artistic and historic value end up in ruins.
Dina said that the involvement of young children in committing such catastrophes is devastating, and that “These children should be at home and taken care of and given proper guidance.”
Regarding the second round of the Egyptian parliamentary elections, and the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis , Dina said that such victory has to be respected as it reflects the will of the people, adding that she is not afraid of Islamists’ reign, hoping that whoever rules Egypt would be just and would prioritize Egypt’s best interest before their own personal gains.
On a different note, Dina’s last film ‘Sharea el-Haram’ (Haram Street) was slammed by critics, despite achieving high revenues last season, nevertheless she was happy with its success.