Members of Palestinian Unit, Mohammed Lomani and Shadi Abu Shala

Members of Palestinian Unit, Mohammed Lomani and Shadi Abu Shala Palestinian Unit is one of few Hip Hop bands in Palestine. With their music, the group aims to express the social problems natives face in the country and their struggle for peace. Mohammed Lomani and Shadi Abu Shala, two members of a group of six that makes up Palestinian Unit, recently performed a small concert in Madrid, Spain.
\"The main theme of our music is unemployment, problems between the people and the government, Israel\'s occupation and the people\'s demand for peace. Our generation grew up seeing war and its terrible consequences. We want to live a normal life like everyone when peace comes to Palestine one day,\" Lomani told AA on Tuesday.
The members of the band, who reside in Gaza, said that it was difficult to perform hip hop music because of their culture, tradition and the situation in the region.
\"The people are not used to hip hop style music. We need to get permission from the government because we perform music out of Islamic culture. There is no hip hop music culture in Palestine. Also people care more about surviving than listening to our music.\" Lomani added.
Speaking of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an scheduled trip to Palestine, the group said: \"Palestinian people see Erdo?an as a respected leader.\"
Members of the band said they were anticipating the Turkish prime minister’ planned visit to Gaza, saying: \"We will be pleased if Erdogan visits Gaza. He is already loved in Gaza very much. Most of the new-born children are named after Erdogan. His picture is hanging on almost all of the windows in the city.\"
They added: \"One day, we\'d like to go to Turkey. Because we love Turks very much, and one day, we hope to share our music with them.\"