Moroccan Islamists criticise Ahrar for nude scenes

Moroccan Islamists criticise Ahrar for nude scenes Moroccan theatre actress and director Latifa Ahrar will take part in a roundtable event in Cairo on the rise of Islamism in Middle East society. The discussion, “Friends or Foes of Culture?”, will assess slamist movement’s effects on art, artists and society at large.
It is set to take place on Monday.
Ahrar has courted controversy back home in Morocco by breaking the taboo of nudity in theatrical productions.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Justice and Development Party (JDP) have been particularly vocal in their criticism of the actress.
After her appearance in the play Kafr Naoum, senior JDP official Najib Boulif demanded the display “never be repeated” under his party’s rule.
Monday’s event will take place at Cairo’s Culture Resource Foundation and will run for one week.