Massar Egbari mix oriental tunes with funk-rock beats

Massar Egbari mix oriental tunes with funk-rock beats Egyptian funk-rock band Massar Egbari have released their highly-anticipated début album after initial delay. Ekra’a el-Khabar, read the news, was intended for distribution in early 2013 as a follow-up to the band’s first music video, released several weeks ago on YouTube.
Massar Egbari have not explained the reasons for the album’s delay, which was produced by Film Clinic, the company behind the highly-acclaimed film Microphone in 2010, which explored the underground music scene in Egypt, Alexandria pre-revolution.
The band, which has played together for years in Alexandria, was also featured in the film.
Massar Egbari are known for their controversial, anti-establishment lyrics that comment on social issues in Egypt, with their concerts often prompting fans to break out in chants calling for change in the country.
Their most popular song Ekra’a El-Khabar, named after the album, speaks about the pressures the youth feel to immigrate from Egypt due to lack of employment opportunities available.