Tunisian singer Latifa

Tunisian singer Latifa Cairo – Mahmoud Al Rifai Tunisian singer Latifa and her fans have been left angry by statements made by composer Helmy Bakr to Lebanese presenter Nishan ?Derharotyounan on the show ??Ana wa al Assal (I and the Honey), as well as in a recent interview with an Arab magazine.
Bakr has made several negative comments about Latifa and her singing voice.
He has also talked about the first meeting between Latifa and musician Mohammed Abdel Wahab when ?she left Tunisia for Egypt saying: “Abdel Wahab called me saying he received an Arab singer, ?he didn’t remember her name, but recalled she had nice legs and refused to say anything positive about her singing.”?
Bakr claims Latifa’s success was the result of the support she received from Baligh Hamdy at the beginning of her career, ?and that Ammar al-Shereiy made the most out her songs. He said the songs became hits because ?of al-Shereiy and not because of Latifa’s voice.?
In response to Helmy’s comments, Latifa spoke to Arab Today from Dubai saying “I’m used to these ?comments from him. He repeats it over and over again in any show he goes on, but ?I don’t believe in answering back or insulting anybody.”?
“During my long musical career I have worked with singing giants from different Arab ?countries, and I met many people who attacked me or undermined me, that’s why I am against ?attacking anyone, and I am content with trying to present new music to ?please my fans,”? Latifa said.
“I have fans that are capable of defending me because anything said against me is also against my fans who are my line of defence,” She added.?
She said she is currently working on releasing her new album Ezzaty (my pride) featuring songs from the Gulf Arab countries. It includes 13 different songs in Emirati, Iraqi and Saudi Arabian dialects.
Latifa’s fans have posted videos on Facebook and twitter with some of her most influential and ?best songs over the years, in addition to the international awards she has won including the World ?Music Award she received in 2003 for her album Matrohsh Baeid (Don’t go far.)?
Her fans also published several photos of Helmy Bakr with Latifa, writing that Bakr use to dream of having a photograph taken with Latifa but he has a habit of insulting celebrities as he did with Assala Nassri despite repeatedly saying he ??“supported” her in her youth.?