Egyptian artists

Egyptian artists Cairo – Shimaa Mekkawi with Khaled Ali and Mohammed Alloush Egyptian artists are split over the results of the presidential elections that propelled the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi to Egypt's top position. Most celebrities refused to support the Islamist leader during the elections, but are now keen to congratulate Morsi through Arabstoday, wishing him success.
Actress Elham Shaheen said: "Congratulations to Egypt and congratulations to Dr Mohammed Morsi, President of the Republic. I would love to send him a message -- you are now carrying on your shoulders the problems of 80 million Egyptians, we pray to God he will be able to solve it and make us feel the real change that we wanted come to pass. As for the artistic side, I hope to maintain the freedom of creativity and art in Egypt. Art has an important message and we hope he keeps his promise to artists not to restrict our freedom."
Actor Mahmoud Yassin explained: "The result has been announced and we now have a president. I appeal that all Egyptians accept the result, even if it is not what we want. We all have to congratulate Dr Morsi, and wait to see if he follows through on his promises to return security and safety to Egyptians. We are waiting for the renaissance that he always called for and we expect a lot from him. All Egyptians are keen to see Egypt as they desire. Morsi will first have to gain the support of his opponents before his supporters to succeed in achieving his goals. As for art, Dr Morsi should not tamper with this because there are many who will defend it to the death. The entertainment industry is important for the Egyptian economy, not only to entertain but also for its national message that must be preserved."
Actress Hanan Turk stated: "Morsi's triumph is a victory for all Egyptians, and for rebels and the families of martyrs. I did not fear the Islamists, despite the rumours about them, because Islam is a centrist religion and I think that Dr Mohammed Morsi does not have an extreme mentality and is capable of managing the affairs of the country. Unfortunately, he will rule Egypt in a very critical stage, and we should stand by him to help Egypt rise again. He has said more than once during his speeches that he is not against art or artists or creative freedom, and I do not fear anything related to the arts."
Singer Shahinaz also congratulated the new president, saying: "Congratulations to Dr Morsi. I'm very happy with his assumption of the presidency, I am happy for Egypt and all Egyptians. They must all remember that God said that Egypt is safe in the holy Qu'ran and what is happening now in Egypt is proof of that, Thank God as I was expecting fraud in the elections, but now it is proved that the elections were carried out with integrity and transparency."
Whether Morsi is going to prohibit singing and other forms of artistic entertainment in Egypt or not , Shahinaz said: "Whoever says that does not understand anything about the Muslim Brotherhood or President Mohammed Morsi, who has not mentioned this at all. I trust him and I am confident that he will not restrict us as he has more important things to take care of in Egypt."
Said actress Tayseer Fahmy: "First, I congratulate Dr Morsi for winning the presidency, and I think national powers should reconcile so that they can bring safety and stability to Egypt. I believe Dr Morsi seeks renaissance for Egypt...I am very happy because Egyptians chose independently without any pressure. We all have to accept the result and congratulate the first elected president of Egypt after our stunning revolution."
Actress Samira Ahmed was not as ecstatic, and stated: "I am very sad for what is happening now in Egypt, despite the atmosphere of joy and happiness in Tahrir square. I say to Dr Morsi that I am waiting to see what he will do for Egypt after the revolution, and whether he will achieve the hopes of all the Egyptians whatever their sects. We aspire for the return of security and tranquility in the Egyptian streets after a year and a half of theft and looting."
Actress Wafaa Amer said: "I congratulate Dr Morsi for winning the presidency, despite me voting for Shafiq in the run-off, which I declared in public. The will of the people and the victory of Morsi through transparent elections makes me wish him the best, and pray that God helps him in the next stage."
Egyptian actor Ahmed Eid is jubilant, and told Arabstoday: "Congratulations to the revolution, to the Egyptians who have defeated the last symbol of the former regime, Ahmed Shafiq, though we still have other challenges to make Egypt safe. Frankly, I had a feeling that the run-off would be rigged in favour of Shafiq whenever I saw his poster in the streets of Egypt, but God saved us in the end."
Egyptian actress Abeer Sabri was sad at the result, saying: "The revolution broke out for the sake of democracy, so we should respect Morsi’s victory as long as the majority have chosen him. I wish he would change with his policies all the negative visions about him to prove to us that he worth to be the elected president of Egypt."
Actress Rania Mahmoud Yassin called on Egyptians to be patient with the new President, saying: "At first I would like to congratulate Dr Mohammed Morsi on winning the post of President of the Republic of Egypt, especially as he is the first elected president coming through the transparency of the ballot box, hence it is the clear that it is the will of the Egyptian people which has broken all barriers of oppression they suffered from during the past. I call on the Egyptian people not to judge him in advance, and Morsi must be given the opportunity to prove his worth."
Egyptian actor Hisham Abdel Hamid is a supporter of Morsi and announced two days ago that he wished the Brotherhood candidate would win the run-off.