HE Abdullah Sultan Al Owais, Chairman of (SCCI)

HE Abdullah Sultan Al Owais, Chairman of the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), praised the strong economic and commercial relations between the UAE and Egypt, and the commitment these relations enjoy from leaderships in both countries.

This statement came during a visit by the Egyptian Commercial Consul in the UAE Dr. Younan Edward, and the accompanying delegation, to SCCI, where a meeting was held to discuss economic collaboration between the commercial attaché at the Egyptian consulate and SCCI, as well as enhancing commercial exchange between Sharjah and Egypt.

The two sides also examined the important role played by the permanent Egyptian commercial exhibition in Sharjah, held under the auspices of SCCI. This exhibitionis considered a passageway for Egyptian products to reach the Emirate. It also helps introduce Egyptian investment opportunities in Egypt, and achievements that enhance commercial relations between the two business communities in both countries.

During the meeting, HE Abdullah Sultan Al Owais highlighted facilities offered by Sharjah to Egyptian businessmen wishing to invest in the Emirate, emphasizing that Sharjah has become an investment destination of choice, given its unique characteristics, such as economic diversity, security, geographic location, supportive legislation, and governmental support.

HE also highlighted the large numbers of Egyptian citizens and businessmen working in the Emirate, benefiting from the favorable environment and numerous facilities provided by Sharjah for the business community, noting that the number of Egyptian companies and enterprises operating in the Emirate exceeded 1351. He also stressed the importance of increasing the participation of Egyptian businessmen in upcoming economic events hosted by Expo Center Sharjah, whichopens new horizons for investments in the Emirate.

On the other hand, Al Owais pointed out the Chamber's role in identifying investment opportunities for the Emirati business community in Egypt.

For his part, Dr. Younan Edward expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the large support provided by SCCI to Egyptian businessmen operating in the Emirate, in addition to the many facilities granted to develop their businesses.