The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is ranked second in the list of countries investing in Egypt, where the number of companies reached to 4077 joint-stock companies during the period between 1970 to 2017.
There are 1299 companies in the service sector, 818 companies in the industrial sector, 727 companies in the construction sector, 343 companies in the ICT sector, 308 companies in the tourism sector, 469 companies in the agricultural sector and 113 companies in the finance sector.

The Saudi investments witnessed growth during the previous fiscal year 2015/2016, with 320 companies being established with a shareholding in the issued capital of $ 171.9 million. The service sector was the largest Saudi investment in the last year, where 106 companies were established, including 41 companies in the industrial sector, 93 companies in the construction sector, 38 companies in the ICT sector, 10 companies in the tourism sector and 32 companies in the agricultural sector.

The two governments also contribute to some Arab joint ventures, such as the Arab Petroleum Investment Company (APICORP), the Arab Investment Company, and the projects they invest in an Arab regional framework rather than a bilateral framework.

The intervention of Saudi Arabia is also in many private sector investment in Egypt, and the most important banks, insurance and tourist hotels, and the most important Saudi banks in Egypt are the Egyptian Saudi Finance Bank, Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt, the Delta International Bank, Egyptian Gulf Bank, and a number of insurance companies such as Al Rajhi Banking Investment Company, and the Egyptian Saudi Insurance House. 

 Saudi Arabia also contributes to a large number of hotels and resorts located in Egypt. In addition, the kingdom also contributes to many agricultural and private industrial companies in Egypt.