Jordanian King Abdullah on Thursday met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi over

Jordanian King Abdullah on Thursday met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi over economic cooperation and regional developments. The meeting, held at Al Husseiniya Palace, focused on means to further enhance investment and economic cooperation between Jordan and China, which this year marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties, according to a Royal Court statement. King Abdullah and the Chinese official also went over investment opportunities in the Kingdom’s vital sectors, mainly tourism, phosphate, potash, energy and transport, as well as ways to encourage Chinese businessmen and tourists to visit Jordan. They discussed the establishment of a Jordanian-Chinese technical university and reviewed the latest developments in the Middle East, mainly the Palestinian-Israeli peace process and the Syrian crisis. King Abdullah and the Chinese official stressed the importance of intensifying efforts to find comprehensive political solutions to the regional crises, in a way that can restore security and stability to its peoples. The talks also addressed regional and international efforts to fight terrorism within a holistic approach as terrorism threatens global peace and stability. The Chinese minister conveyed the greetings of Chinese President Xi Jinping to His Majesty and voiced his country’s appreciation of Jordan’s pivotal role under King Abdullah’s leadership, to preserve regional stability and clarify the true image of Islam, the Royal Court statement said. Royal Court Chief Fayez Tarawneh and Foreign Affairs Minister Ayman Safadi attended the meeting. Also on Thursday, Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, with whom he discussed ways to cooperate in advancing regional stability based on their unified stance towards the regional crises. Safadi reaffirmed the need to reach peaceful solutions to the crises in Palestine and Syria. The two ministers highlighted the two-state solution as the sole feasible solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and a prerequisite to regional stability. They also called for an immediate ceasefire in all Syria, underlining the need to hold talks with all concerned parties to find a political solution that will bring safety and stability to Syria and its people. Speaking at a joint press conference held at the Foreign Ministry, Safadi said the two officials agreed that the fight against terrorism in the region must continue at the political, military and cultural levels. He underlined Jordan’s support to the one-China policy, adding that Jordan is committed to doing what is needed to translate this principle on the ground. For his side, Yi said external interferences in the internal affairs of countries in the region escalate tensions, urging the international community to dedicate more attention and efforts to support development in the Middle East to address the threat of terrorism more effectively. He also noted that conflicting geopolitical interests hinder the progress towards a political solution to the Syrian crisis. On the Palestinian issue, he said: “China stands firmly with its Arab friends in this conflict”. Commenting on the recent rift between Arab Gulf countries, the two officials said Gulf countries are capable of addressing their conflicting views, and expressed hope these countries would overcome the current difficulties. Regarding bilateral ties, Safadi said the 40 years of diplomatic relations between Jordan and China have contributed to cooperation at many levels and a “true partnership”. China is Jordan’s second largest trade partner and the kingdom’s biggest exporter, Safadi said, citing vital Chinese investments in the fields of energy, infrastructure, electricity and transportation. Yi expressed his country’s keenness to increase cooperation with Jordan, adding that China, which has the second largest economy in the world, is committed to sustaining its support to Jordan’s development in light of the pressure of hosting Syrian refugees. He added that many Chinese tourists have been visiting Jordan recently, expecting more visitors to come to Jordan in the near future

Source: ANTARA