Two Jordanian girls use soap to make gifts in different occasions

Two Jordanian girls turned to make perfumed soap in handmade embroidered bags to distribute them as gifts in different occasions. They called their new project “soapnasack”. They said that they turned to adopt their project as it represents a new and extraordinary idea, as the people used to distribute chocolate in different occasions.
They said, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, “We wanted to renew and revive the agricultural embroidery but in a new and innovative way. The bag could be kept after use of soap as we can also add the person's name, and the date and occasion or any other details to mark this memory.” They stressed that the idea gained increasing popularity among the people.
They revealed that they use cinnamon that help get rid of ance and pimples scattered in the face and body, saying that she also used coffee to clean the skin. She praised her career as an engineer in the Industrial Chemistry helped her in this invention, saying that they exercised this career for over 20 years.

They said that they used soap to create new shapes to mark the holy month of fasting of Ramadan, including crescents and Sprout in addition to lanterns. They added that they turned to use different kinds of essential oils to meet the aspirations of different people and to cope with different occasions.
They added that they invented a distinct and unique group of complexion soap calling it “Zaman Soap”. They added that this group is free of chemical materials existed in the lotions sold in the markets, as they depended on natural materials. They added, “Perfumes they use in this soap extracted from flowers.”