Violent raids on Houthi sites in Hodeidah

Sources in the province of Hodeidah reported that the coast of Yemen, the province of Hodeidah and the nearby islands were subjected to heavy air bombardment by the fighters of the Arab Alliance, and unprecedented shelling of naval battleships. 

The sources said that the island of Kamran was subjected to heavy bombing, which continued until the moment by the Arab coalition fighters, where it was subjected to more than six raids just an hour ago, while barges bombed targets for Houthis' sites in Hodeidah. The sources added that the violent raids intensified since the afternoon Sunday, indicate that there is a serious move to attack Hodeidah and control of its ports.

The sources stressed that modern warships, backed by air support by the coalition jets, are participating in the attack, while government and resistance forces advanced in the southern outskirts of the province of Hodeidah, after controlling the area of ​​Hussein Salem, located on the outskirts of directorate of Khoukha.

The city of Taiz witnessed, on Sunday, a protest against the backdrop of the killing of two people. The sources said that the vigil was carried out by drivers of water mechanisms in front of the gate of the oil company . The sources pointed out that the participants expressed their protest on the killing of their colleague by gunmen, two days ago, demanding to punish the killer. This comes at a time when the city witnessed a wave of assassinations.

Over the past few days, Yemeni tribal figures from various provinces have arrived to the Saudi capital at an undeclared invitation, amid reports of a forthcoming conference of Yemeni tribes hosted by Riyadh. Yemeni political sources revealed that many Yemeni dignitaries, tribal chiefs and sheikhs, had been invited to Riyadh in recent weeks, in addition to the original figures in the city, in conjunction with the military operations of the alliance against the Houthis in their third year.

The sources pointed out that the tribal figures who went to Riyadh from various Yemeni provinces, including the province of Hadramout, and the southern provinces. There was no official statement or clarification confirming the information about the invitation or its purpose, but some sources talked about a tribal conference to be held in Riyadh. In May 2015, the Saudi capital hosted a Yemeni conference called "Riyadh Conference", which was held in the presence of hundreds of political figures and leaders loyal to the legitimate government.