Clashes continue southwest of Rif Dimashq in conjunction with shelling and targeting the areas

Syrian regime forces renewed their missile shelling this evening on areas southwest of Rif Dimashq, raising to at least 30, the number of missiles believed to be ground-to-ground launched by the regime forces on places in Mughr al-Mir town and Beit Jinn Farm since the morning.

Clashes continue southwest of Rif Dimashq in conjunction with shelling and targeting the areas, where clashes are taking place between the regime forces and the militiamen loyal to them against the rebel and Islamic factions and Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham, in areas in the vicinity of Bardaya hills and the nearby hills.

In Damascus, a child was injured in the fall of shells on places in Yarmouk camp south of the capital, while the regime forces targeted using several rocket shells this evening places in al-Tadamon neighborhood south of Damascus, while the Syrian Observatory published today Wednesday that the southern section of the capital Damascus, is witnessing the continuation of shelling by the regime forces targeted areas controlled by the “Islamic State” organization.

The move came in conjunction with the continuation of clashes at a less violent pace than before between the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them against the “Islamic State” organization, which broke out on Wednesday the 13th of December 2017 as a result of an attack by ISIS members on the neighbourhood and advancing in 12 buildings and locations in the area.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented the death of a man from Sayda town in the eastern countryside of Daraa under torture inside the Syrian regime’s security detention camps, after being arrested five years ago.

The regime forces targeted this evening using heavy machine guns places in al-Tlul al-Homr, and other places under the control of the factions in the northern countryside of Quneitra, but no information about injuries.

In Aleppo, warplanes resumed their flight in the skies of the southern countryside of Aleppo, in conjunction with targeting some of its areas this evening, where the warplanes targeted several areas in the village of Tal Ahmar, Tal al-Daman and other places in the area of Jabal al-Hass, while the clashes are taking place between the regime forces and the militiamen loyal to them against the rebel and Islamic factions and Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham, in areas in the same countryside.

Syrian Observatory published hours ago that the military operation of the regime forces and their allies has completed its 6th consecutive week, it was started on the 2nd of November 2017 through which the regime forces aim to advance and enter the eastern countryside of Idlib Province, and reach Abu Al-Duhur airbase, where the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored the continuation of violent clashes between the regime forces supported by the gunmen loyal to them of Syrian, Arab and Asian nationalities against the rebel and Islamic factions and Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented more casualties in the massacre that was committed by the International Coalition warplanes which targeted areas al-Jerthi village at the east bank of the Euphrates River.

The warplanes targeted places in the village after this midnight just before the control of SDF of it, and the airstrike caused of a massacre of 23 people of one family including 8 children under the age of eighteen, 6 citizen women over the age of eighteen, the casualties are displaced from Sbikhan town to the village of Eastern al-Jerthi, and the death toll is expected to rise because there are some people in critical situation, and due to information about other casualties.