Syrian Democratic Forces recaptured wide areas of Syria’s city of Raqqa

Syrian governmental forces shelled the town of Ghouta, causing material damage. There were no reports of casualties. The clashes continued between the Syrian government forces and the armed forces loyal to them. , And the Islamic factions on the other hand, the axes in the vicinity of Ein Tarma in West Ghouta East Damascus.
The Syrian Democratic Forces managed to retake al-Yarmouk neighborhood, west of the city of Raqqa completely, after violent clashes with the Islamic State group and mutual shelling. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that, at dawn today, the Syrian Democratic Forces recaptured al-Yarmouk neighborhood, west of Raqqa completely, after battles with the Islamic State, killing 16 IS members.
Meanwhile, US-led international coalition carried out air strikes on the Islamic State’s locations, while the Syrian Democratic Forces managed to recapture wide areas of the city of Raqqa. Violent clashes are still ongoing in southern Raqqa and inside the borders of Homs Province between the Islamic State militants and pro-Assad forces, the observatory added.
The so-called Islamic State explosives official was killed by an air strike in Syria, SANA reported on Monday. The Syrian News agency said that a Saudi member of the radical Islamic State group, called Abu Ayman al-Gizrawi, who was serving as the explosives official in the terrorist group, was killed in the city of Albukamal, south of Deir Ezzor on borders with Iraq.
Meanwhile, some unofficial news websites claimed that Gizrawi was killed in an air strike that was carried out by the US-led international coalition on the Islamic State’s headquarters in the city. Earlier this week, Syrian army announced recapturing several villages and oil fields in the countryside of Deir Ezzor and Raqaa, after destroying dozens of the Islamic State’s vehicles and mechanisms.
The Syrian rebels faction, named “Ahl al-Diyar”, on Monday, launched an attack on members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Ayn Dakna Village, north of Aleppo. Qasioun News reported that the Syrian rebels shelled locations and gatherings of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the villages of Ayn Dakna and al-Baylouna, using heavy artillery and rockets, leaving many casualties.
Earlier, Ahl al-Diyar announced that it did not follow any party or military entity, and its main goal is to recapture villages and towns seized by the Syrian Democratic Forces in early 2016. It is noteworthy that the rebels in northern Syria formed lately three military blocs, due to the news about the approaching military operation on the area of ​​Afrin, north of Aleppo.
Three persons were killed, on Sunday, in the explosion of two landmines planted by the Islamic State militants, in eastern Homs. SANA reported that two landmines, emplaced by the Islamic State militants on Umm Haratayn Village – Masoudiyah road, located 80 km east of Homs, exploded while two motorcycles were passing in the area, killing three persons.
Meanwhile, a woman was wounded due to the Islamic State rocket shelling on al- Mukharram Town, east of the city of Homs. It is noteworthy that the Islamic State militants are stationed in a number of villages and towns in the eastern countryside of Homs, from where they launch several attacks on civilians in the nearby areas.