former President Ali Abdullah Saleh

Yemeni sources revealed the secret behind the latest Houthi action to appoint a new head of Supreme Judicial Council without holding any consultations with former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his Conference Party, saying that the step paves the way for the issuance of the first statement to dissolve the political council and the parliament and hand over the power to the new head of Judicial Council.

The sources added that such decisions will be followed with an arrest warrant against Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, saying that the Houthi leaders prepared a list of crimes to condemn the former president. They added that the list of those people who will be targeted by the security authorities will include a large number of political figures in the country.

Assistant Director General of Conference Party Yasser Al Awadi said that it is not permissible for any political faction to impose its visions of the other political components of the country during the current critical period witnessed in the country. He stressed the need for respecting the political diversity in the country not to push the country to more civil conflicts and to pave the way for achieving peace and security.

On the other hand, Yemen’s national army announced that in the upcoming few days that a number of field victories labeled ‘decisive’ are anticipated nationwide. Most confrontations will end in the defeat of coup militias composed of armed loyalists backing ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh and Iran-allied Houthis.

The national army statement showed that insurgency militias are on the brink of completely falling apart as infighting continues to go public, at times reaching the point of armed confrontations.

“The new chief of staff, Major General Taher al-Aqili, will implement the plan set up in cooperation with the Saudi-led Arab coalition for restoring government rule to all coup-held areas,” Yemeni army spokesman Brigadier General Abdu Majali said.

“The plan requires further efforts, with the continued support of the coalition- whose efforts go highly appreciated- and in the coming days, we’ll see decisive victories and military advance in the safest and closest way to save the Yemeni people from the control of the coup militias,” he added.

The statements came after Major General Tahir al-Aqili, the newly appointed Yemeni army chief of staff visited Marib governorate, inspecting the field status quo and army posts.

“Maj. Gen. Tahir al-Aqili visited those wounded– He has looked into their situation, drew attention to them, provided them with full care, formed a committee to study the conditions of those in need of treatment abroad, and praised their efforts to achieve victory on various fronts and in their moral spirit,” said Brig.Gen. Majali.

“The new Chief of General Staff will follow the plan designed to free Yemen from coup militiamen’s control, in cooperation with the coalition countries, led by Saudi Arabia, providing all kinds of logistical support for the Yemeni army,” Brig.Gen. Majali added.

He also pointed out that the army was able to achieve victories, and gain more land, and currently controls about 80 percent of the geographical area of Yemen. Speaking on latest battleground developments, Brig.Gen. Majali said that the most heated battlefronts currently are Midi and parts of the surrounding areas.

He also made note of a number of landmine diffusing teams being deployed to comb through territory made unsafe by militia mine networks. “Their (insurgency forces) collapse is near and imminent, both in the coup-held capital Sana’a and in the other areas they control,” asserted Brig.Gen. Majli.