Israeli settlements activities in the occupied West Bank

In its latest  weekly report about  Israeli settlements activities in the occupied West Bank including Jerusalem  the National Bureau for the Defense of  Land  said that the Israeli Government and its extremist parties’ maneuvers continue to control the Palestinian land, as Eli Ben-Dahan of the Jewish House Party is trying to pass laws in the Knesset to impose them on the West Bank in preparation for the annexation of large areas of land.

The Bureau sent a letter to all the heads of committees in the Israeli Knesset urging them to speed up discussing them, requesting them to postpone approving those laws until a military order is taken. It seems that majority of the responded to his request in clear violation for the international legitimacy and its resolutions, the Geneva Conventions, and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

In an interview at the Israeli settlement right-wing newspaper “Beshiva”, the Israeli Housing Minister, Yo’av Galant, boasted of the increasing number of settlers and the doubling of the settlement units that have been marketed over the past 3 years, disclosing the silent increase in budgets for planning and development in the settlements units in the area south-west of Nablus, and other settlement blocs in the Salfit and Qalqilia Governorates.

At the same time, the Israeli occupation forces and the municipality of Moshe Le’on  in Jerusalem continue to demolish houses of the citizens under various pretexts. They have demolished a house belonging to Na’im Abu Duweih in the Al-Sala’ neighborhood in the Jabal Mukaber. The house owners tried to prevent the Israeli occupation forces from demolishing the house, but they assaulted and then arrested him. The Israeli occupation forces also prevented the paving of a road in the old town of Beit Hanina, northwest of occupied Jerusalem, claiming that the work is falling within the area C.

Moreover, the Israeli bulldozers continued to raze and open roads in two settlement outposts located on the lands of Jalud village, south of Nablus, where the settlers of the outpost of Ish-Kudash built new settlement units at the northern end of the settlement point, where the heavy machinery of the settlers carry out the work of digging and excavating the road, while the settlers of the” Hiyah “outpost located on the land of the Jalud village planted trees. The expansion of the settlement came in conjunction with the Israeli occupation government’s decision to proceed with legitimizing of all the settlement outposts and the annexation of other outposts in the areas of the new settlement of Amihai, which was approved by the occupation government to accommodate 1100 settlement families and turn it into a real settlement town.

In the Salfit governorate, bulldozers continued to settle land and infrastructure to expand the settlement of Brokan, and to increase settlement construction at the expense of the lands of Bruqin and Sarata village west of Salfit. In the northern Jordan Valley, the military court approved the demolition of the water network in the Aqaba village after it refused the appeal of the residents. The head of the Aqaba village Council, Haj, Sami Sadiq, said that the village council’s lawyer informed them of the court’s refusal to revoke the decision to demolish the network and to approve the decision issued by the occupation army to remove the network under the pretext of unauthorized residency. As for the water network project, he pointed out that it serves about 70 houses. Israelo occupation forces also continued to demolish Al-Tahadi school in the village of Al-Simeya, near the town of Samou, south of Hebron. The Israeli occupation forces demolished the school and confiscated its equipment before it is opened within the next few days.

In the follow-up to the file of the Khan Ahmar village, the Israeli army distributed military orders to close the roads leading to the village until Jan. 15th, 2019 under the pretext of military activities. For his part, Netanyahu continues tantalizing the Bedouin settlement file in occupied Jerusalem, keeping the evacuation of the housing complex in anticipation of proceedings that may be issued by the International Criminal Court without abandoning the demolition decision .