Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko

Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has no chances to win the forthcoming election due in the spring of 2019, as follows from an opinion poll by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology.

Analysts say that even if there is a run-off Poroshenko is doomed to lose to all potential rivals.

According to the survey, if in the runoff Poroshenko clashes with the leader of the Batkivshchina party Yulia Timoshenko, the latter will emerge the winner with 23.4%, while the incumbent will get 11.8%. The Opposition Platform - For Life’s Yuri Boiko would outperform Poroshenko by 19% against 15.3%. And in a hypothetical Boiko-Timoshenko duel Batkivshchina’s leader will gain the upper hand by 23.4% in contrast to Boiko’s 15.2%.

In a presidential runoff featuring Timoshenko and musician Svyatoslav Vakarchuk the former is also in the lead 23.4%. In a Poroshenko-Vakarchuk final round the rock musician will get ahead of the incumbent with 24.2% against the latter’s 11.1%. Also, the experts say Poroshenko has no chances of getting more votes than showman Vladimir Zelensky, who can count on 23% of the votes in the runoff vs Poroshenko’s 12.2%.

The poll surveyed an audience of 2,000 respondents in Ukraine’s 110 cities and communities.

Ukraine’s presidential election is due on October 31, 2019. To win in the first round a candidate is to secure the support of more than half of the voters who cast their ballots.