King Salman Bin Abdel Aziz & President Donald Trump

Saudi King Salman Bin Abdel Aziz stressed his confidence that the coming summit scheduled to be held between U.S President Donald Trump and leaders of Islamic countries in Riyadh will perform a major role to support relations and to achieve security and stability in the region as whole during the current critical period. He added that the summit will perform a major role to build a new partnership to promote tolerance and confront extremism.
King Salman on Monday expressed hope a “historic” summit between Arab and Muslim nations and US President Donald Trump will enhance ties and promote tolerance.
The king, during the weekly Cabinet meeting, welcomed the pending visit of Trump and other Arab and Islamic leaders to the Kingdom.
The leaders will join the 17th consultative meeting of the GCC leaders, US-GCC Summit and the US-Arab-Islamic Summit to be hosted by the Kingdom. King Salman, addressing the session at Al-Salam Palace in Jeddah, expressed hope the May 21 summit with Arab and Muslim leaders “will establish a new partnership in confronting extremism and terrorism,” Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

The king expressed confidence that the Saudi-US Summit, to be held on Saturday, will boost the strategic relations between the two countries. He said the meeting will boost cooperation at regional and international levels in a manner that will enhance global security and stability.

The king also expressed hope that the GCC consultative meeting will bolster the GCC solidarity and that the GCC-US summit will exert more efforts to realize and strengthen security, stability and peace in the region.
He stressed that the US-Arab-Islamic Summit comes in light of challenges and delicate situations witnessed by the world and expressed hope the summit will build a new partnership in the face of extremism and terrorism. He also stressed the spread of tolerance and coexistence, the enhancement of security, stability and cooperation “to serve the present and future of our people.”
On the other hand, The Cabinet on Monday appreciated the leading role and achievements made by the late Crown Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz toward his religion and nation.The Cabinet also praised the awarding of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif with an honorary doctorate in combating terrorism from King Abdulaziz University.
The Cabinet, chaired by King Salman, was briefed on a number of reports and, in this context, touched on services provided by different government agencies to Umrah performers and visitors of the Two Holy Mosques as well as their preparations for the coming holy month of Ramadan.
The Cabinet welcomed the 17th forum of Haj and Umrah research in Madinah. The Cabinet hailed recommendations of the “world conference on the rights of the Prophet’s ompanions and his wives,” which was organized by the Islamic University in Madinah. Recommendations included establishing an international prize in the name of King Salman to be given to distinguished studies on the virtues and ethics of the Prophet’s companions and wives.
The Cabinet also stressed that the issuance of a quarterly report of the current fiscal year 2017 on the state budget comes in the framework of the government’s commitment to transparency and financial disclosure at a time when work is underway to apply initiatives of the National Transformation Program (NTP) and the Saudi Vision 2030.