Emirati flags and photos of Emirati leaders dominated

Emirati flags and photos of Emirati leaders dominated the city of in the framework of current celebrations to mark the first memory of liberating the Yemeni coastal areas from the grip of Qaeda extremist group. The banners have been witnessed in the city’s major streets to express appreciation to Emirates’ Armed Forces for their participation in liberating Hadramout Governorate from the extremist groups.

On their part, a number of residents of Mukalla expressed appreciation to their Emirati brothers for supporting the elite army during the battle of liberating the Hadramout coast from Qaeda and their direct contribution to security and stability in the coastal areas of the province. They also were keen to underline the humanitarian aids provided by the Emirati government to the residents of the province, as they also supported a number of development projects.

They also pointed out to the role performed by the brothers of UAE, the Arab Coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to save Hadramout. They stressed that the Emirati flags raised in all over the governorate are not enough to express their appreciation to the role performed by the Emirati government to save them from the grip of extremists and to restore security and stability in the province.

They stressed the need for undermining the plans adopted by Houthi militias and supporter of Muslim Brotherhood who attempt to underestimate the Emirati efforts to support the residents of the governorate during the presence of Qaeda militias. They blamed those elements for attempting to destabilize the governorate.

On Sunday, hundreds of residents of Mukalla took part in a motorcycling march on the first anniversary of the liberation of the coast of Hadramout, where the flags of the UAE were raised as a message of thanks from the people of Hadramout to the Emiratis and the coalition countries for their efforts.

The UAE forces have participated directly in the liberation of the Hadramout coast. The UAE fighter jets have carried out multiple raids on al-Qaeda positions that have taken control of all coastal areas since April 2, 2015, and supported the UAE's elite forces, , On 24 April 2016.