Violent clashes on Barza front and Al-Hafiz Street

Violent clashes on Barza front and Al-Hafiz Street, east of Damascus, where opposition factions managed to destroy a government armored bulldozer after targeting it with a rocket. Clashes areas were bombed heavily with rockets and Mortar shells, which cause severe damage to the neighborhood.

In Damascus countryside ,the factions targeted government forces in Jisreen town causing injures. The Air force also launched raids on Douma, Kfrbna and Ein Tarma towns but without any casualties.

Government forces launched violent attack on Al-Rashadin, Al-Jazirah, Al-Zahraa, Al-Lirmoun, and Al-Farfoorah hill in Aleppo. The opposition factions destroyed a BMB car on the front of  Mount Shweigah, they captured an element, killed tens of attackers, and obtained a lot of weapons.

During the clashes in Aleppo, Russian Air force planes launches violent raids on Al-Rashedin neighborhood, Al-Lirmoun, and Kafr Humrah towns in northen countryside. In western countryside a shepherd and his daughter were killed, along with a lot of sheep due to cluster bombs air strikes. The warplanes also raided Dera Azza , Kafr Bassin, Kafr Naah, Aujail, and Kafr Kermin, with one dead and other wounded. Amid clashes between Daesh and government forces ,the Air force raided the villages surrounding Al-Jarrah Military Airport and Maskana town in the eastern countryside.

There were very violent clashes  in Maardes village in the northern countryside in Hama ,which forced opposition factions to withdraw and the government forces regain control over the village. The Air force launched air raids on different towns in Idlib ,causing alout of causalities among civilians.

The air raids hit Rastan city in the Northern countryside in Homs ,which made the factions respond by targeting El Moshrefa town with shells. “A’maak “ agency reported that Daesh elements killed 30 members of the government forces and destroyed 7 tanks after ambushing them in south of Palmyra in the eastern countryside.

“El Bonyan El Marsos “operation room in Daraa released the names of 20 killed members and said they managed to kill more. The Air force launched more than 20 raids on Daraa neighborhoods, while unknown elements in Al-Mazayrib town killed commander, Muthanna Ajaj al-Saadi before they escaped. Other raids on Deer Al Zour military airport, while International Coalition jets targeted one of the oil wells in Badia Al Ghubra causing a fire. 

Democratic Syrian Forces took control over Al-Safsafa farm in El Tabaka city, in Al Rakaa after violent clashes with Daesh ,but the organization elements managed to control east of El Tabaka city, destroying a bulldozer.