Arab Coalition’s fighter jets

Spokesperson of Yemeni army revealed that a nine soldiers loyal to the governmental troops, including a military leader, have been killed during clashes at Jawf on Wednesday. The statement coincided with air raids launched by the Arab Coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, targeting the Houthi strongholds in Sada, as they destroyed weapons stores in Hamazat.
Spokesperson of Yemeni army Abdullah Al Ashraf said, in a statement published on his Facebook page, that over 40 Houthi militants have been killed during clashes witnessed in a number of areas, including Safr Al Hania and Mazweyet Balmeton. He added that the clashes led to a large number of injuries, saying, “The bodies of their killed leaders are still with us.”
On its hand, the Arab Coalition’s fighter jets destroyed a store of weapons and missiles at Hamazat directorate. Sada’s Governor Hadi Torshan said that the Arab Coalition targeted secret stores of Iranian missiles and weapons in the areas from which the civilians have been banned from entry.
He added that the raids also targeted a headquarters of the meeting between the leaders of Houthi militias and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, leading to the killing of leaders and other fighters existed there.