Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi

A number of Yemeni citizens have been killed during the bombing of an explosive device targeting a wedding procession in the northern side of Aden on Tuesday, as one of the participants threw a bomb on the procession leading to the killing and injury of a number of citizens.
Military sources revealed that the Yemeni army resumed its advance towards Arhab area near Sana’a International Airport, as the Yemeni troops attempt currently to control a number of areas and roads linking between the directorates of Naham and Beni Hashish. They added that such advance came to coincide with raids launched by Arab Coalition against the strongholds of Houthi militias and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Clashes have continued between the Yemeni army of internationally-recognized President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi supported by Arab Coalition’s fighter jets on one hand and Houthi militias and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh on the other hand. The Yemeni army announced that Arhab Directorate, near International Sana’a Airport, became under its control after the notable progress it achieved during the recent two days.
Yemeni military leader Mohamed Al Ashwal revealed that Beit Katish village of Arhab directorate became under the control of the Yemeni army, adding that the army and popular resistance loyal to the legitimate government controlled large swaths of Daboaa area. Arab Coalition’s fighter jets bombarded the strongholds of Houthi militias in the districts of Ashara and Mahali in addition to other sites of Naham Directorate.
Yemeni military troops loyal to legitimate government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi managed to counter an attack from the Houthi militias in a number of fronts in Taiz countryside on Tuesday. According to local sources, the governmental troops prevented elements loyal to the insurgents from infiltrating to their sites in Deah and Sirteen of Salwo Directorate.
The sources added that eight militants have been killed during their attempt to plant an explosive device to impede the advance of the governmental troops at Sayar district. They added that the insurgents launched attack against the sites controlled by the government in Haifan directorate, while the governmental troops managed to counter them.
On its hand, Arab Coalition's fighter jets raided the strongholds of Houthi militias and other forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Taiz near Khaled Bin Al Waleed Camp. The raids led to a large number of deaths and injured among the insurgents.
On the political side, UN Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Sheikh Ahmed expressed his optimism over the possibility to reach a solution for the Yemeni crisis in the near future. He called the Houthi militias for handing over their ballistic missiles, stressing that it is necessary for them to surrender their missiles if they want to resolve the Yemeni crisis.
He praised the meeting conducted by the international powers in London to discuss the Yemeni crisis, saying that they discussed the challenges facing the Yemeni citizens, including the danger of starvation. He stressed that the Yemeni crisis will not be resolved by the military tools, stressing the need for political solution for the current Yemeni crisis.
He added, “We, in the United Nations, do not acknowledge the Houthi government in Sana’a. We consider Yemen’s President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his government are the legitimate representatives of the Yemeni people.” He stressed that there is no solution for the Yemeni crisis without President Hadi.