Marshal Khalifa Haftar

Military source revealed Thursday that 70 Libyan soldiers loyal to Marshal Khalifa Haftar have been transferred to Russia to receive treatment in a clear signal of strong cooperation between the Russian government and Libyan military leader.
According to sources close to Haftar’s troops, the soldiers have travelled to Moscow from the Egyptian territories, saying that other injuries will receive the same dealing in the future. He stressed the strong relation between Haftar and Egypt.
In the same context, Libya’s Prime Minister Fayez Al Sarraj blamed the political division witnessed in the country during the recent years for the current split hitting the military institution. He added, in a statement from the headquarters of NATO, that his government works seriously to unify the military institution.
He praised the efforts to restore stability and security in Libya, while he called for giving the priority to the unification of Libya’s military institution under a unified political leadership. He stressed Libya’s keenness to participate in the international efforts to eliminate the phenomenon of illegal immigration.
On his hand, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed his readiness to provide support if the Libyan government asked for help. He added that he discussed with the Libyan prime minister the ways to support the Libyan government during the coming period.
He added that NATO is ready to perform a major role during the coming period to rebuild the Libyan institutions especially on the military and security levels to be able to confront the terrorist threats and to impose peace and security in the country.