Lucky Bamboo is one of the most popular feng shui cures and a beautiful addition to any home. The Chinese identify themselves with the bamboo as a symbol of strength and fortitude. The resilient bamboo proves that it can withstand the turmoil of a storm, and survive unscathed. The lucky bamboo is also a low-maintenance plant. Grow it in any part of the house or office where there is diffused lighting and the lucky bamboo should be fine. The trick is to keep the water in the plant container clean and fresh at all times. Every now and then - two months or so - the water can be fortified with a diluted houseplant liquid fertilizer. Instead of chlorinated or fluoridated water, it is important to use distilled, bottled, or spring water. Easy to care for and a very tolerant plant for your home, the feng shui bamboo teaches the ultimate wisdom: how to be flexible and hollow (open) on the inside, so that the spirit can freely flow and heal your being.