A child\'s room should feel comfortable and warm, so that he can study and sleep. Here are several simple tips you may want to keep in mind. - The color of a child\'s bedroom should be warm and nurturing. Colors such as terracottas, peaches, yellow that are earthy not bright, and warm, cheery beiges are all supportive and will help a child feel secure. You should avoid bright, primary colors such as bold yellow, fire engine red, and royal blue combinations. This is the room where they will sleep so we have to create a relaxing atmosphere. White walls can also make it difficult for a child to get a good night\'s sleep. - Children also need images on the walls of things that are important to them. Boys often like sports posters; girls tend to like whatever is popular. But do try to have one thing on the wall that is grounding and inspiring, such as an enlarged print of a fun family outing, or something else that is special. - Natural lighting is important; draw back the curtains to let light in. - Fresh air is a must for good feng shui in any space and especially in children\'s rooms where there is a constant influx of toys, gadgets, clothing, books, etc. Monitor the air quality in your children\'s room and open the windows often - Clutter clear and organize are the two-in-one absolutely necessary steps for good feng shui in your child\'s room. There is no way around it, you have to have a clear system so as to avoid chaos and low energy.