Highlights A behind-the-scenes look at the tensions of daily life in Mubarak’s Egypt Credited with single-handedly reviving an interest in reading in Egypt Taxi consists of ?fty-eight ?ctional monologues with Cairo taxi drivers that have been recreated from the author’s own experience A bestselling modern masterpiece set in the author’s home country of Egypt, taking the reader on a roller-coaster of emotions as bumpy and noisy as the city’s potholed and chaotic streets. Described as an urban sociology, an ethnography, a classic of oral history – and a work of poetry in motion – it tells Herculean tales of the struggle for survival and dignity among Greater Cairo’s 80,000 cab drivers Khaled El Khamissi Novelist, TV producer, and former publisher, Khaled Al Khamissi, graduated in Political Science from the Sorbonne in Paris.