A special committee commissioned by Public Works and Transport Minister, Youssef Fenianos, visited on

 A special committee commissioned by Public Works and Transport Minister, Youssef Fenianos, visited on Saturday President Rene Mouawad Airport in Qlayaat, carrying out a technical inspection of the runways, observation tower and some buildings and infrastructure, in order to present a report of its findings to Minister Fenianos. 

The committee, headed by Civil Aviation Director General Mohammed Shehabedine, began its inspection tour by visiting the office of Qlayaat Air Force Base Commander, Brigadier General Fadi Labaki, in presence of members of the follow-up committee for re-operating President Mouawad's Airport in Qlayaat.

It is to note that Qlayaat Airport's follow-up committee members visited about two weeks ago Public Works Minister Fenianos, urging him to work on resuming aviation at the Airport

Source: NNA