Idul Fitri or Lebaran holiday travelers this year across Java island are advised to take

Idul Fitri or Lebaran holiday travelers this year across Java island are advised to take alternative routes.

Lebaran holiday that comes at the end of the Ramadhan fasting month every year is usually marked with the exodus of millions of people from the urban centers to their respective home villages to observe it with their families and relatives.

Especially for the travelers across Java island to avoid hardships and inconvenience in overcrowded cars and buses in their long journey home, they can take alternative routes to avoid traffic congestion.

In Central Java, Boyolali district government has prepared seven alternative courses to anticipate traffic density in the run up to Lebaran holiday exodus.

Boyolali transportation office spokesman Supama Harja said on Friday that the Public Works Ministry`s office for transportation affairs has prepared the seven alternative routes and would put traffic signs and directions there.

Supama said the seven alternative courses are Kebun Jeruk-Papringan-Simo-Nogosari-Kalioso-Solo, Pule-Tlatar-Mojosongo, Tingkir-Suruh-Karanggede-Klego-Andong-Gemolong (Sragen), Sruwen-Karanggede-Klego-Andong-Gemolong (Sragen), Bangak-Simo-Klego, Boyolali-Tulung-Jatinom (Klaten), and Boyolali-Cepogo-Selo (Magelang) roads.

The routes are among others the Semarang-Boyolali roads to Solo, Sragen, Klaten, and Magelang.

Supama added that if there is traffic density along the main road in Boyolali during the holiday exodus, it will be diverted to the alternative routes.

"We have checked the alternative courses and the damaged roads are being repaired and to be completed at least 10 days before Lebaran holidays," he said.

He said hundreds of traffic signs have been prepared and would be erected at strategic locations to indicate the directions to the alternative routes.

"Traffic signs are very important for the motorists and to tell them where they have to turn if they are stuck in a traffic congestion," he said.

He added that this year around 285 permanent traffic signs have been erected at the main roads in Boyolali. 

Meanwhile Semarang district government has also prepared ten alternative routes for the same purpose.

"This year we have repaired 10 alternative roads while two others, used last year were not so good," local Directorate General of Highway (Bina Marga) of the Ministry of Public Works spokesman Totit Oktorianto said here on Friday.

According to him, the ten alternative routes in Semarang, Central Java, are Jalan Urip Sumoharjo-Kol Sugiono-Kalirejo-Leyangan-Beji-Babadan, Tuntang-Karanglo-Salatiga (Tamansari), Tuntang-Watuagung (Delik)-Sembirejo, Tingkir-Suruh-Karanggede-Gemolong-Sragen, Ampel-Jetis-Papringan-Boyolali, Salatiga-Candran-Tapen, Salatiga-Candran-Banyubiru-Ambarawa, Bedono-Lanjan-Sumowono-Kendal, Rengas-Tambakboyo-Turanggaceta, and Rengas-Gembol, Langensari-Gebugan-Candirejo-Mijen roads.

And two others which are not so good are Jalan Urip Sumoharjo-Kol Sugiyono-Kalirejo-Kalongan-Ringin Putih-Karangjati and Langensari-Gebugan-Candirejo-Mijen roads.

"We have started repairing the damaged alternative roads in for the Lebaran holiday motorists this year," Totit said.

In West Java, Purwakarta district government has also prepared a number of alternative courses to facilitate home-bound travelers.

"The alternative routes in Purwakarta are in general ready to use," local Bina Marga spokesman Rusbandi said in Purwakarta on Friday.

He said that in Purwakarta, there were a number of routes that could be used as alternative during Lebaran exodus.

Meanwhile in Brebes, Central Java, a number of alternative roads were under repair at present and expected to be completed around seven days before Lebaran.

Brebes Public Works Department spokesman Satibi said six alternative roads in the district were being repaired and ready to be used seven days before Lebaran festivity.

"The six alternative roads in Brebes are Losari, Bojongsari, Tanjungsana, Klampok, Sitanggal, and Bulakamba," he said.

In Porong, East Java, several alternative roads have also been repaired and ready to be used by the holiday travelers.

Sidoardo district Directorate General of Highway of the Ministry of Public Works spokesman Sigit Setiawan said recently that a number of roads there, including an alternative course in Porong in principle were ready to be used. 

"We`ve been doing road maintenance including in Porong as an alternative for holiday travelers this year, but they have to remain careful in using the roads," Sigit said.

All transportation facilities that have been done so far is just to make the Lebaran holiday travelers make their annual journeys home as pleasant as possible as has been signaled by Transportation Minister Freddy Numbery.

The government has estimated 15.4 million people throughout the archipelago would be traveling home by buses, trains, ships, airplanes, private cars and motorcycles during Lebaran holiday this year.

Freddy Number said here on Monday that the government was ready to make this year`s Lebaran holiday transportation a success for around 15.4 million home-bound travelers across the country.

Besides, the government has also been repairing broken roads and working on security strategies to ensure the public would remain safe during this year`s holiday season.

According to the transportation minister, the number of overall Lebaran holiday travelers this year was predicted to increase by 4.14 percent to become 15.4 million people from 14.8 million last year.

"Such a big amount of Lebaran holiday travelers will get better transportation service 7 days before and 7 days after Lebaran, or from August 23 until September 7, 2011 for the mode of inland, sea, and air transportation," Freddy Numberi said.

Freddy hoped that transportation this year of holiday travelers would be much better than that of the previous years


Source: ANTARA