least a dozen Japanese tourists a year have to be helped home from Paris because the city of light and love doesn\'t meet their expectations and even brings on nervous breakdowns. It\'s dubbed the \"Paris syndrome.\" Apparently after seeing movies in which Paris is portrayed as tres romantic and lovely, certain Japanese visitors -- especially young women -- are shocked by the realities they encounter. Yes, there are lovers entwined in the streets and embracing by the Seine. But there also are short-tempered waiters (especially at tourist traps), who put foreigners through the wringer by ignoring them or even speaking harshly. As in any big city, there are harassing street people and folk who will try to hustle unsuspecting visitors who look as if they don\'t know what they\'re doing. In any case, Japanese tourists, known for being polite and shy, can get depressed and stressed when Paris doesn\'t meet their expectations, the BBC report says. Some have breakdowns. The news report says that the Japanese embassy in Paris has a 24-hour hotline to help citizens suffering from culture shock and that this year alone, the embassy had to send four people home with a doctor or nurse to watch over them. The \"Paris Syndrome\" was identified two decades ago by Hiroaki Ota, a Japanese psychiatrist working in France, the BBC says. It is thought to affect Japanese more than others, because of the great cultural differences, the fact that many Japanese do not speak French and have been bombarded with film and advertising images of an idealized Paris. The cure is to say \"au revoir\" to the city. So why don\'t we hear about this happening in New York, another magnet for Japanese tourists? I would guess because its image is fast-paced and tough, so visitors are better prepared pyschologically. Thoughts?