\'Saving Skunk,\' new novel from Richard Roach

According to PBS, there are approximately 150,000 people in the United States who identify themselves as Ojibwa Indian. In his historical fiction novel, “Saving Skunk,” Richard Roach explores the oral tradition of the Ojibwa people. Readers follow main character, Heidi, from the time of her father’s death through her journey to becoming a medicine woman and, eventually, a western doctor. After meeting a fourth level Midewiwin, Roach gained insight into the struggle for survival and the community values treasured by the Ojibwa people. He not only shares insight into the anthropology and history of the Native Americans, but also tells an inspiring story of redemption, forgiveness and humility. “I want my readers to know the importance of redemptive love for those who mistreat us,” Roach said. “Heidi’s story reveals that forgiveness produces healing and humility provokes wisdom.” Roach not only touches on the values and morals of the Native American tribe, but also educates readers about the dietary plants and medicinal herbs that grew on their land. Roach, a professor of medicine and an experienced outdoors guide, hopes that this unforgettable tale will reveal to readers the importance of healing and the power of forgiveness. Source: PRWEB