Looney Toon Ward

I don’t belong there. My mind is fine. I don’t belong in the ‘Looney Toon Ward’!” opens the prologue of "My Inner Child Must Be Heard: From Despair to Dancing on the Clouds" by Corina Zalace. The book chronicles her six-decade battle with polio and subsequent struggles with clinical depression and bulimia.
As a polio survivor, physical limitation is a way of life for Zalace. With over 90 surgeries related to polio, breast cancer and a debilitating car accident in her history, she credits her positive outlook on life to faith and family. Her story serves as an inspiration and a warning in an age where polio is experiencing a resurgence in both the United States and in developing countries despite the availability of a vaccine.
From her circumstances, Zalace emerges as a victor, living life through a bucket list including traveling the world, riding an elephant, swimming with dolphins, and becoming a published author.
Source: PRWEB