De Mis Manos

De Mis Manos” (published by Xlibris) is Mari Garcia’s first book of poems. A book filled with her poems taken from all the moments of her life from when she was a girl until she grew to be a woman. It houses her feelings, her experiences and her dreams in an enthralling collection of expressive verse.
“De Mis Manos” presents Garcia’s unique way of personal expression, exhibiting diverse feelings and different perspectives. Her compositions have a way of conjuring imagery that illustrates and projects a wide range of expression. Her poems highlight three areas of feelings that endeavor to open each person’s heart to their own personal truth. The first part of her poems; “Cantos a la Vida y a la Muerte” (“Songs to Life and Death”) the second part; “ A mi Tierra” (“To my Country”) and the third part; “ Cantos al Amor” (“Love Songs”) exhibit everything from the happy to the not so happy moments, real symbolic edifices of truth as she found them in her everyday life.
Garcia, through her book, exposes the totality of her life experiences, immersed in imagination and a sense of romance. Her poems all relate to actual events, moments captured in emotive prose and verse. In writing her book, Garcia hopes to have given readers something to treasure and read every day.
Source: PRWEB